1. He toddles across the room, puts his head in my lap and says, "Hi Mama."
2. He says, "Bye bye," while opening and closing his entire hand.
3. He gives kisses, in slow motion, approaching the cheek, planting his lips, then smacking them together.
4. He hurtles down slides with a look of pure joy.
5. He reads books to himself, turning the pages and cracking up.
6. After I put him down for a nap, and close the door, I'll hear him say, "Night night."
7. He refuses to say, "Hi, Grandmom," but he perfectly enunciates, "Hi, Peg."
8. He clicks his tongue in time to the turn signal.
9. When he's upset, he'll calm down if I mention one of his favorite people, like Pop-pop, or Charlotte, or Tessa.
And my very favorite thing he does right now:
10. He shouts "A-men!" whenever we sit down to eat. Last week at church, after the sermon, when all was quiet, you could hear his Amen reverberate through the crowd. Yes, he already has a sense of timing. Like I said, genius.